An Honest Discussion on the AAP’s Report on Tongue Tie and Breastfeeding

As a healthcare professional deeply involved in the field of breastfeeding and tongue tie, I believe it's crucial to have open, honest conversations about important reports that shape our practice. Recently, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) released a clinical report on the identification an...

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Frenotomy Tools: Scissor vs. Laser

Tongue and lip ties can significantly impact an infant's ability to breastfeed effectively, which can lead to a host of challenges for both the baby and the parents. Fortunately, tongue and lip tie releases, also known as frenotomies or frenectomies, are procedures that can address these issues. Thi...

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NY Times Letter to the Editor Re: Article about Tongue Tie Treatment

Here is Lisa Paladino's response to the article "Inside the Booming Business of Cutting Babies’ Tongues" published 12/18/23 in the NY Times.

As the face behind the popular “Tongue Tie Experts” social media platform, and the Tongue Tie Experts Podcast, I feel compelled to respond to the latest artic...

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Will Tongue Tie Release Fix All Breastfeeding Challenges ?

One of the most complex questions and, honestly, a dilemma, is when a parent asks me if they “should” have  their infant’s tongue or lip tie released, a procedure known as frenotomy.

They want to know if it will be worth it, if it will solve their problems, and if it is really going to make a diffe...

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How do we know that baby is getting enough milk?

Not everyone thinks of comfort when thinking about baby getting enough milk, but actually, the first sign that I ask about is mom’s comfort. How is this related to how much milk baby is getting? Because if feeding is uncomfortable, that's a red flag that something's wrong, not only with the latch (w...

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How much breastmilk does baby need?

As a midwife and a lactation consultant. I am well aware that so many parents stop breastfeeding because they feel that they do not have enough milk. But what does enough milk actually mean? How does one make enough milk, and how do you know if it’s enough? The answers to these questions are importa...

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It Shouldn't Hurt To Nurse Your Baby

Breastfeeding shouldn't hurt. Some tenderness as your nipples get used to a new sensation, maybe, but not pain, cracking or bleeding. 


It's important to always look to find and heal the root cause of any symptoms. This is my approach to pain during feeding. Let's figure out what's causing the pa...

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Normal Weight Gain in the Breastfed Baby

Percentiles, growth charts, curves, oh my…

So much stress over weight gain!

In my experience, the actual weight or point on the growth chart doesn’t matter as much as this: is your baby getting enough every day to have consistent weight gain and growth? What’s important to measure is how much your...

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Please Pump

If you are a parent, what were you told about pumping?

If you are a professional, what are you telling parents about pumping?

I feel an urgent need to spread a message. And I’m going to ask you to spread it far and wide as well. We need to correct a myth that is having a detrimental effect on pa...

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Tongue Tie and Lip Tie: An Introduction and Overview

I see so many babies who have trouble breastfeeding due to oral restrictions, including lip, tongue and even buccal (inner cheek) ties. As a lactation consultant, I diagnose this issue almost daily. Revealing these restrictions often brings confusion for parents. Many times this is the first they ar...

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