Complete, online, interdisciplinary education.

Your exclusive opportunity to learn

about oral restrictions from

an IBCLC, CNM, & RN with over 35 years of experience!

 Professional's Guide to Tongue Tie

in the Breastfeeding Infant



Earn CEs and improve the quality of life for your patients and their babies by learning all about how to serve those suffering with oral ties.

PERFECT FOR: LCs, RNs, NPs, SLPs, MDs, DOs, Dentists, Midwives, Doulas, OTs, PTs, DCs, CSTs.


Upon completion, you'll know exactly how to: 


  • Behind the scenes of a complete lactation assessment for oral restrictions
  • Detailed critique of the most popular assessment tools to help you chose what works best for your practice
  • Protocol for functional evaluation developed over 12 years of practice in the field
  • Debunking myths and controversies so you are prepared for your patients questions and concerns
  • Deep dive into maternal assessment to understand complete care


  • Frenotomy decision tool: Poorly timed procedures are never helpful AND preparation is key to achieving successful outcomes
  • Defining team members, and how to build a network of professionals for support, referral and continued professional growth
  • Learn multi-disciplinary treatment for oral ties - this is for you no matter what your title 
  • Holistic care options: this is more than a "quick snip"
  • Deep dive into scope of practice and clinical competencies, providing understanding of your role and the roles of your referral partners



  • How to educate the familes in your care
  • What to expect before + after frenotomy
  • Possible complications to teach your patients
  • Best aftercare practices (w/videos + written demonstration)
  • Reattachment risks and assessment and what has worked for our practice

Ready to give your patients the fully-informed care they deserve? 



5 On-demand Video Modules: 

  • Assessment
  • Review of Assessment tools
  • Treatment Plans
  • Frenotomy
  • Aftercare 

Patient Education Bundle 

  • Symptoms of Lip & Tongue Tie
  • Hints for Healing Sore Nipples
  • What are TOTs (Tethered Oral Tissues)?
  • How to Select a Provider (What questions to ask)
  • Preparing For Frenotomy
  • Checklist for the Day of Frenotomy
  • When to Call Your Healthcare Provider
  • Stretches after Frenotomy
  • Exercises for Before & After Frenotomy  


Continuing Education Credits

  • 4 L-Cerps, 2 R-Cerps 
  • Program previously accepted by ASHA for individual SLPs.





BONUS #1: 

Membership in the Tongue Tie Experts community for 1 month.  A multidisciplinary private group to share, collaborate, & network. 



Live sessions inside the group! Have your questions answered, clarify content, discuss updated evidence, and get advice on cases.



Opportunity to be listed on the Tongue Tie Experts Referral List and to be recognized as a course graduate. 



Badge for your website - let everyone know you are a Tongue Tie Expert graduate!



Tongue Tie Experts Podcast Index - organizes episodes to topics for continued learning


From Lisa-

"Families are searching for professionals who are expert at assessing & guiding treatment of tongue tied babies. There is so much misformation out there. They need your help"  


Video Poster Image

Rave reviews from our community:

"Lisa’s course has been a game-changer. Her comprehensive & compassionate teaching style, combined with her in-depth knowledge & practical skills, sets her apart from others. The supportive community is invaluable. I am achieving better results with clients than I could ever imagine. I highly recommend her course to anyone wanting to deepen their understanding and skills."

-Rim El Hajj Sleiman

"I learned so much in the course and use what I learned daily. So thankful for Lisa's down to earth approach and the concise manner in which she shares information!I am really grateful for your course. NOW I feel everything is completed It is just set in my mind forever!"

- Dr. Anna Lichnowska, Speech Therapist

"I have the highest regard for Lisa both professionally and personally, and highly recommend her new program geared towards professionals. I have worked very closely with her for many years as part of her team in the treatment of infant tethered oral tissues. Lisa is world renowned as an IBCLC and is considered an expert on this topic.” 

- Dr. Scott Siegel MD DDS 

"I love being part of the this community. I learned so much in the modules and use the exercises and stretches as part of my home programs! This course  was the perfect marriage between my world of OT infant feeding and lactation base as a CLC. I recommend it to many of my OT staff and friends who are in the infant feeding space. It is a must take course!"


- Cindy Napoli, OTR/L; CLC ; CEIM


The only online education program of its kind,

developed by an experienced midwife and lactation consultant. 

Learn at your own pace, AND join our thriving interdisciplinary community.



Professional's Guide to Tongue Tie in the Breastfeeding Infant

$2701 $1197


What's Included:  

  • 5 On Demand Video Modules (VALUE $997) 
  • Patient Education Bundle curated over 12 years of clinical practice with tongue tie treatment (VALUE $397)
  • 6 L-Cerps  (VALUE $600)

BONUS #1: 

(VALUE $19.99)
TTE Private Community free for 1 month - Multidisciplinary private community to share, collaborate, & network. Daily access to Lisa Paladino & other professionals.  ($19.99/month after the free trial)



(VALUE $588)
Live sessions with Lisa Paladino & other experts in the field. Have your questions answered, clarify content, discuss updated research, and get advice on cases.



Opportunity to be listed on the Tongue Tie Experts Referral List and to be recognized as a course graduate. 



Badge for your website - let everyone know you are a Tongue Tie Expert graduate!



(VALUE $99)
Tongue Tie Experts Podcast Index - organizes episodes to topics for continued learning and review




Enroll now

I Didn't Learn This in School, Did You?  

Tongue tie treatment can be complex, and those who expect relief of symptoms with "a quick snip" or a laser release, even by an experienced provider, are usually disappointed.

Learn protocols that offer an organized and simplified plan to support families through preparation, procedure and aftercare.

The teamwork model of care - knowing why and which providers are necessary - will make things easier for you and provide effective outcomes for your patients.  


Become Confident in Your Ability to Help Breastfeeding Infants with Tongue Tie 

About Lisa

Lisa Paladino is a Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) and Certified Nurse Midwife, with over 35 years of experience helping new families to breastfeed. Besides guiding hundreds of parents through pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding, Lisa is an author, lecturer and advocate for tongue tie education and women's health issues.  

She has written the best-selling program, "A Parent's Guide to Tongue Tie", the book, "It Shouldn't Hurt to Nurse Your Baby", and is the founder and administrator of the popular FB group, Breastfeeding Tongue Tied Babies and the Instagram page, Tongue Tie Experts, as well as the host of the Tongue Tie Experts Podcast. 

In this course Lisa shares the successful methods and protocols that she has developed for her patients, Her mission is for all infants with tongue tie to be supported by providers who are informed and for all dyads to reach their breastfeeding goals. 

Frequently Asked Questions

By the end of this program: 


*  You will be confident in your resources and information about tongue tie.

* You will earn 6 L-Cerps.

*  You will have the tools you need to counsel breastfeeding parents about tongue tie.

*  You will know the signs and symptoms to be aware of in infant, parent and feeding.

*  You will understand how to support families within your scope of practice.

*  You will have protocols to follow that ensure best outcomes.

*  You will be a part of an ongoing, interdisciplinary community for continued learning, keeping abreast of the latest research, networking and support.

* You will have the opportunity to be designated as a Tongue Tie Experts Graduate on our professional referral list. 

*  And, most importantly, you will be a part of the solution for breastfeeding dyads who may have no one else to turn to.